(04 / 2019)

    51. H. Sielaff, S. Yanagisawa, W. D. Frasch, W. Junge, M. Börsch, Structural asymmetry and kinetik limping of single rotary F-ATP synthases (2019) Molecules 24, 504.

    50. N. Zarrabi, P. Schlüsche, M. Meisterernst, M. Börsch, D. C. Lamb, Analyzing the dynamics of single TBP-DNA-NC2 complexes using Hidden Markov models (2018) Biophys J 115, 2310-2326.

    49. J.-P. Günther, M. Börsch, P. Fischer, Diffusion Measurements of Swimming Enzymes with Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (2018)
    Acc. Chem. Res. 51, 1911-1920.

    48. H. Sielaff, T. M. Duncan, M. Börsch, The regulatory e subunit in Escherichia coli FoF1-ATP synthase (2018) Biochim. Biophys. Act. - Bioenergetics 1859, 775-788.

    47. I. Starke, G. D. Glick, M. Börsch, Visualizing mitochondrial FoF1-ATP synthase as the target of the immunomodulatory drug Bz-423 (2018) Frontiers in Physiology 9, 803.

    46. K. Schmidt, B. Gardill, A. Kern, P. Kirchweger, M. Börsch, Y. A. Muller, Design of an allosterically modulated doxocycline and doxorubicin
    drug-binding protein
    (2018) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 115, 5744-5749.

    45. M. Dienerowitz, F. Dienerowitz, M. Börsch, Measuring nanoparticle diffusion in an ABELtrap (2018) J. Opt. 20, 034006.

    44. M. Weiss, J. P. Frohnmayer, L. T. Benk, B. Haller, J.-W. Janiesch, T. Heitkamp, M. Börsch, R. B. Lira, R. Dimova, R. Lipowsky, E. Bodenschatz, J.-C. Baret, T. Vidakovic-Koch, K. Sundmacher, I. Platzman, J. Spatz, Sequential bottom-up assembly of mechanically stabilized synthetic cells by microfluidics (2018) Nature Materials 17, 89-96.

    43. A. F. Geiss, C. Bliem, P. Frank, C. Reiner-Rozman, J. Kewney, M. Börsch, R. Naumann, Proteo-lipobeads to encapsulate cytochrome c oxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans (2017) J Colloid Interface Sci 500, 119-125.

    42. D. Singh, H. Sielaff, M. Börsch, G. Grüber, Conformational dynamics of the rotary subunit F in the A3B3DF-complex of  Methanosarcina mazei GÖ1 A-ATP synthase monitored by single-molecule  FRET (2017) FEBS Lett. 591, 854-862.

    41. A. F. Geiss, R. Khandelwal, D. Baurecht, C. Bliem, C. Reiner-Rozman, M. Börsch, M. G. Ullmann, L. Loew, R. Naumann, pH and potential transients of the bc1 complex co-reconstituted in proteolipobeads with the reaction center from Rb. sphaeroides (2017) J Phys Chem B 121, 143-152.

    40. N. Zarrabi, S. Ernst, B. Verhalen, S. Wilkens, M. Börsch, Analyzing conformational dynamics of single P-glycoprotein transporters by Förster resonance energy transfer using hidden Markov models (2014) Methods 66, 168-179.

    39. M. Börsch, T. M. Duncan, Spotlighting motors and controls of single FoF1-ATP synthase (2013) Biochem. Soc. Trans. 41, 1219-1226.

    38. S. Winterhalter, S. Ernst, M. Börsch, U. Gerken, A. Kuhn, Real time observation of single membrane protein insertion events by the Escherichia coli insertase YidC (2013) PLoS ONE 8, e59023.

    37. M. Börsch, Microscopy of single FoF1-ATP synthases - the unraveling of motors, gears and controls (2013) IUBMB Life 65, 227-237.

    36. H. Sielaff, M. Börsch, Twisting and subunit rotation in single FOF1-ATP synthase (2013) Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. B 368, 20120024 (issue on single-molecule cellular biophysics).

    35. S. Ernst, M. G. Düser. N. Zarrabi, S. D. Dunn, M. Börsch, Elastic deformations of the rotary double motor of single FOF1-ATP synthases detected in real time by Förster resonance energy transfer (2012) Biochim. Biophys. Act. - Bioenergetics 1817, 1722-1731.

    34. S. Ernst, M. G. Düser. N. Zarrabi, M. Börsch, Three-color Förster resonance energy transfer within single FOF1-ATP synthases: monitoring elastic deformations of the rotary double motor in real time (2012) J. Biomed. Opt. 17, 011004. (with cover page)

    33. B. Verhalen, S. Ernst, M. Börsch, S. Wilkens, Dynamic Ligand Induced Conformational Rearrangements in P-glycoprotein as probed by Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer Spectroscopy (2012) J. Biol. Chem. 287, 1112-1127.

    32. S. Ernst, A.-K. Schönbauer, G. Bär, M. Börsch, A. Kuhn, YidC-driven membrane insertion of single fluorescent Pf3 coat proteins
    (2011) J. Mol. Biol. 412, 165-175.

    31. M. Börsch, J. Wrachtrup, Improving FRET-based monitoring of single chemomechanical rotary motors at work (2011) ChemPhysChem 12 Special Issue: Förster Resonance Energy Transfer, 542-553.

    30.  M. Börsch, Single-Molecule Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer Techniques on Rotary ATP Synthases (2011) Biol. Chem. 392, 135-142.

    29. F. E. Alemdaroglu, S. C. Alexander, D. Ji, D. K. Prusty, M. Börsch, A. Herrmann, Poly(BODIPY)s: a new class of tunable polymeric dyes (2009) Macromolecules 42, 6529-6536.

    28.  M. G. Düser, N. Zarrabi, D. J. Cipriano, S. Ernst, G. D.Glick, S.D. Dunn, M. Börsch, 36° step size of proton-driven c-ring rotation in FoF1-ATP synthase (2009) EMBO Journal 28, 2689-2696. (rated by Faculty-of-1000)

    27. J. Tisler, G. Balasubramanian, B. Naydenov, R. Kolesov, B. Grotz, R. Reuter, J.-P. Boudou, P. A. Curmi, M. Sennour, A. Thorel, M. Börsch, K. Aulenbacher, R. Erdmann, P. R. Hemmer, F. Jelezko, J. Wrachtrup, Fluorescence and spin properties in single digit nanodiamonds (2009) ACS Nano 3, 1959-1965.

    26.  K. M. Johnson, L. Swenson, A, W. Opipari, R. Reuter, N. Zarrabi, C. A. Fierke, M. Börsch, G. D. Glick, Mechanistic basis for differential inhibition of the F1Fo-ATPase by Aurovertin (2009) Biopolymers 91, 830-840.

    25.  F. Neugart, A. Zappe, D. M. Buk, I. Ziegler, S. Steinert, M. Schumacher, E. Schopf, R. Bessey, K. Wurster, C. Tietz, M. Börsch, J. Wrachtrup, L. Graeve, Detection of ligand-induced CNTF receptor dimers in living cells by fluorescence cross correlation spectroscopy (2009) BBA-Biomembranes 1788, 1890-1900.

    24. G. Modesti, B. Zimmermann, M. Börsch, A. Herrmann, K. Saalwächter, Diffusion in model networks as studied by NMR and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (2009) Macromolecules 42, 4681-4689.

    23.  M. G. Düser, Y. Bi, N. Zarrabi, S.D. Dunn, M. Börsch, The proton-translocating a subunit of FoF1-ATP synthase is allocated asymmetrically to the peripheral stalk (2008) J. Biol. Chem. 283, 33602-33610.

    22.  M. Diepholz, M. Börsch, B. Böttcher, Structural organization of the V-ATPase and its implications for regulatory assembly and disassembly (2008) Biochem. Soc. Trans. 36, 1027-1031.

    21.  E. Galvez, M.G. Düser, M. Börsch, J. Wrachtrup. P. Gräber, Quantum dots for single-pair fluorescence resonance energy transfer in membrane-integrated EF0F1 (2008) Biochem. Soc. Trans. 36, 1017-1021.

    20. K. Peneva, G. Mihov, A. Herrmann, N. Zarrabi, M. Börsch, T. M. Duncan, K. Müllen, Exploiting the nitrilotriacetic acid moiety for biolabeling with ultrastable perylene dyes (2008) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130, 5398-5399.

    19.  T. Heitkamp, R. Kalinowski, B. Böttcher, M. Börsch, K. Altendorf, J.-C. Greie, The K+-translocating KdpFABC P-type ATPase from Escherichia coli acts as a functional and structural dimer (2008) Biochemistry 47, 3564-3575.

    18.  F. E. Alemdaroglu, J. Wang, M. Börsch, R. Berger, A. Herrmann, Controling the size of nanoparticles by an enzymatic reaction (2008) Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 47, 974-976
         F. E. Alemdaroglu, J. Wang, M. Börsch, R. Berger, A. Herrmann, Enzymatische Kontrolle der Größe von DNA-Blockcopolymer-Nanopartikeln (2008) Angew. Chem.  120, 988-991.

    17.  K. Ding, F. E. Alemdaroglu, M. Börsch, R. Berger, A. Herrmann, Engineering the Structural Properties of DNA Block Copolymer Micelles by Molecular Recognition (2007) Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 46, 1172-1175.
         K. Ding, F. E. Alemdaroglu, M. Börsch, R. Berger, A. Herrmann, Einstellen der strukturellen Eigenschaften von DNA- Blockcopolymermicellen durch molekulare Erkennung (2007) Angew. Chem. 119, 1191-1194.

    16.  B. Zimmermann, M. Diez, M. Börsch, P. Gräber, Subunit movements in membrane-integrated EF0F1 during ATP synthesis detected by single-molecule spectroscopy (2006) BBA-Bioenergetics 1757, 311-319.

    15.  I. Schäfer, S. M. Bailer, M. G. Düser, M. Börsch, R. A. Bernal, D. Stock, G. Grüber, Crystal structure of the archaeal A1AO ATP synthase subunit B from Methanosarcina mazei Gö1: Implications of nucleotide-binding differences in the major A1AO subunits A and B (2006) J Mol Biol 358, 725-740.

    14.  M. Börsch, P. Gräber, Subunit movement in individual H+-ATP synthases during ATP synthesis and hydrolysis revealed by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (2005) Biochem. Soc. Trans. 33, 878-882.

    13.  T. Krebstakies, B. Zimmermann, P. Gräber, K. Altendorf, M. Börsch, J.-C. Greie, Both Rotor and Stator subunits are necessary for efficient binding of F1 to FO in functionally assembled E. coli ATP synthase (2005) J. Biol. Chem. 280, 33338-33345.

    12.  S. Steigmiller, M. Börsch, P. Gräber, M. Huber, Distances between the b-subunits in the tether domain of F0F1-ATP synthase from E. coli (2005) BBA-Bioenergetics 1708, 143-153.

    11.  B. Zimmermann, M. Diez, N. Zarrabi, P. Gräber, M. Börsch, Movements of the e-subunit during catalysis and activation in single membrane-bound H+-ATP synthase (2005) EMBO Journal 24, 2053-2063.

    10.  A. Armbrüster, C. Hohn, A. Hermesdorf, K. Schumacher, M. Börsch, G. Grüber, Evidence for major structural changes in subunit C of the vacuolar ATPase due to nucleotide binding (2005) FEBS Lett. 579, 1961-1967.

    9F.-M. Boldt, J. Heinze, M. Diez, J. Petersen, M. Börsch, Real-Time pH microscopy down to the molecular level by combined scanning electrochemical microscopy / single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy (2004) Anal. Chem. 76, 3473-3481.

    8.   S. Steigmiller, B. Zimmermann, M. Diez, M. Börsch, P. Gräber, Binding of single nucleotides to H+-ATP synthases observed by Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (2004) Bioelectrochemistry 63, 79-85.

    7.   M. Diez, M. Börsch, B. Zimmermann, P. Turina, S. D. Dunn, P. Gräber, Binding of the b-subunit in the ATP synthase from Escherichia coli (2004) Biochemistry 2004, 43, 1054-1064.

    6.   M. Diez, B. Zimmermann, M. Börsch, M. König, E. Schweinberger, S. Steigmiller, R. Reuter, S. Felekyan, V. Kudryavtsev, C.A.M. Seidel, P. Gräber, Proton-powered subunit rotation in single FoF1-ATP synthase (2004) Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 11, 135-142 (including cover page, rated by Faculty-of-1000).

    5.   T. Steinbrecher, O. Hucke, S. Steigmiller, M. Börsch, A. Labahn, Binding affinities and protein ligand complex geometries of nucleotides at mitochondrial FoF1 ATP synthase obtained by ligand docking calculations (2002) FEBS lett. 530, 99-103.

    4.   M. Börsch, M. Diez, B. Zimmermann, R. Reuter, P. Gräber, Stepwise rotation of the g-subunit of EFoF1 ATP synthase observed by intramolecular single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (2002) FEBS lett. 527, 147-152.

    3.   J. Ufheil, F.M. Boldt, M. Börsch, K. Borgwarth. J. Heinze, Microstructuring of solid-supported lipid layers using SAM pattern generation by scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) and the chemical lens (2001) Bioelectrochemistry 52, 103-110.

    2.   C. Winnewisser, J. Schneider, M. Börsch, H.W. Rotter, In situ temperature measurements via ruby R lines of sapphire substrate based InGaN light emitting diodes during operation (2001) J. Appl. Physics 89, 3091-3094.

    1.   M. Börsch, P. Turina, C. Eggeling, J.R. Fries, C.A.M. Seidel, A. Labahn, P. Gräber, Conformational changes of H+ ATPase from Escherichia coli upon nucleotide binding detected by single molecule fluorescence (1998) FEBS lett. 437, 251-254.


    Technical papers, book chapters, conference proceedings, patents

    44. A. Dathe, T. Heitkamp, I. Pérez, H. Sielaff, A. Westphal, S. Reuter, R. Mrowka, M. Börsch, Observing monomer - dimer transitions of neurotensin receptors 1 in single SMALPs by homoFRET and in an ABELtrap (2019) Proc. SPIE 10884, 108840N

    43. A. Westphal, H. Sielaff, S. Reuter, T. Heitkamp, R. Mrowka, M. Börsch, Ligand-induced oligomerization of the human GPCR neurotensin receptor 1 monitored in living HEK293T cells (2019) Proc. SPIE 10882, 108820W [preprint arxiv.org/abs/1901.11246]

    42. T. Heitkamp, R. Grisshammer, M. Börsch, Towards monitoring conformational changes of the GPCR neurotensin receptor 1 by single-molecule FRET (2018) Proc. SPIE 10498, 104980T [preprint arxiv.org/abs/1801.09318]

    41. H. Sielaff, D. Singh, G. Grüber, M. Börsch, Analyzing conformational changes in single FRET-labeled A1 parts of archaeal A1AO-ATP synthase (2018) Proc. SPIE 10500, 1050007 [preprint arxiv.org/abs/1801.04692]

    40. F. Foertsch, M. Ilchenko, T. Heitkamp, S. Noßmann, B. Hoffmann, I. Starke, R. Mrowka, C. Biskup, M. Börsch, Imaging cytochrome C oxidase and FoF1-ATP synthase in mitochondrial cristae of living human cells by FLIM and superresolution microscopy (2017) Proc. SPIE 10071, 100710P.
    doi: 101117/12.2251210 [preprint

    39. M. Dienerowitz, T. Heitkamp, T. Gottschall, J. Limpert, M. Börsch, Confining Brownian motion of single nanoparticles in an ABEL trap (2017) Proc. SPIE 10120, 1012017. doi: 101117/12.2250550 [preprint arxiv.org/abs/1701.03422]

    38. M. Börsch, Method related to STED microscopy, EP 16 204 063.8 (2016).

    37. I. Starke, K. M. Johnson, J. Petersen, P. Gräber, A. W. Opipari, G. D. Glick, M. Börsch, Binding of the immunomodulatory drug Bz-423 to mitochondrial FoF1-ATP synthase in living cells by FRET acceptor photobleaching (2016) Proc. SPIE 9712, 97120P. doi: 101117/12.2209645 [preprint arxiv.org/abs/1602.04470]

    36. T. Heitkamp, G. Deckers-Hebestreit, M. Börsch, Observing single FoF1-ATP synthase at work using an improved fluorescent protein mNeonGreen as FRET donor (2016) Proc. SPIE 9714, 97140B. doi: 10.1117/12.2209123 [preprint arxiv.org/abs/1602.04065]

    35. M. Dienerowitz, M. Ilchenko, B. Su, G. Deckers-Hebestreit, G. Mayer, T. Henkel, T. Heitkamp, M. Börsch, Optimized green fluorescent protein fused to FoF1-ATP synthase for single-molecule FRET using a fast anti-Brownian electrokinetic trap (2016) Proc. SPIE 9714, 971402.
    doi: 10.1117/12.2209592 [preprint

    34. M. Börsch, Unraveling the rotary motors in FoF1-ATP synthase by time-resolved single-molecule FRET (2015) in: ‘Advanced Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting Applications’ (Ed. W. Becker), Springer Series in Chemical Physics 111, pp. 309-338, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-14928-8.

    33. B. Su, M. G. Düser, N. Zarrabi, T. Heitkamp, I. Starke, M. Börsch, Observing conformations of single FoF1-ATP synthases in a fast anti-Brownian electrokinetic trap (2015) Proc. SPIE 9329, 93290A. doi: 10.1117/12.2080975 [preprint arxiv.org/abs/1502.04065]

    32. A. Renz, M. Renz, D. Klütsche, G. Deckers-Hebestreit, M. Börsch 3D-localization microscopy and tracking of FoF1-ATP synthases in living bacteria (2015) Proc. SPIE 9331, 93310D doi: 10.1117/12.2080981 [preprint arxiv.org/abs/1502.00544]

    31. S. D. Bockenhauer, T. M. Duncan, W. E. Moerner, M. Börsch, The regulatory switch of F1-ATPase studied by single-molecule FRET in the ABEL Trap (2014) Proc. SPIE 8950, 89500H. doi:10.1117/12.2042688 [preprint arxiv.org/abs/1402.1845]

    30. T. M. Duncan, M. G. Düser, T. Heitkamp, D. G. G. McMillan, M. Börsch, Regulatory conformational changes of the epsilon subunit in single FRET-labeled FoF1-ATP synthase (2014) Proc. SPIE 8948, 89481J. doi:10.1117/12.2040463 [preprint arxiv.org/abs/1402.3845]

    29. N. Zarrabi, C. Clausen, M. G. Düser, M. Börsch, Manipulating freely diffusing single 20-nm particles in an Anti-Brownian Electrokinetic Trap (ABELtrap) (2013) Proc. SPIE 8587, 85870L. doi:10.1117/12.2002952 [preprint arxiv.org/abs/1301.7254]

    28. T. Heitkamp, H. Sielaff, A. Zappe, A. Korn, M. Renz, N. Zarrabi, M. Börsch, Monitoring subunit rotation in single FRET-labeled FoF1-ATP synthase in an anti-Brownian electrokinetic trap (2013) Proc. SPIE 8588, 85880Q. doi:10.1117/12.2002966 [preprint arxiv.org/abs/1302.2666]

    27. H. Sielaff, T. Heitkamp, A. Zappe, N. Zarrabi, M. Börsch, Subunit rotation in single FRET-labeled F1-ATPase hold in solution by an anti-Brownian electrokinetic trap (2013) Proc. SPIE 8590, 859008. doi:10.1117/12.2002955 [preprint arxiv.org/abs/1302.5801]

    26. E. Hammann, A. Zappe, S. Keis, S. Ernst, D. Matthies, T. Meier,  G. M. Cook, M. Börsch, Step size of the rotary proton motor in single FoF1-ATP synthase from a thermoalkaliphilic bacterium by DCO-ALEX FRET (2012) Proc. SPIE 8228, 82280A [preprint arxiv.org/abs/1202.1007]

    25. S. Ernst, M. G. Düser, N. Zarrabi, M. Börsch, Monitoring transient elastic energy storage within the rotary motors of single FoF1-ATP synthase by DCO-ALEX FRET (2012) Proc. SPIE 8226, 82260I. [preprint arxiv.org/abs/1201.6320]

    24. M. Renz, T. Rendler, M. Börsch, Diffusion properties of single FoF1-ATP synthases in a living bacterium unraveled by localization microscopy (2012) Proc. SPIE 8225, 822513. [preprint arxiv.org/abs/1201.6321]

    23. M. Börsch, Membrantransporter im Fokus - Mit Förster-Resonanz-Eneregie-Transfer einzelne biologische Maschinen bei der Arbeit verfolgen (2011) GIT Labor - Fachzeitschrift 09/2011, in german [PDF]

    22. M. Börsch, P. Gräber. J. Heinze, J. Wrachtrup, Localized ATP synthesis to control a biological nanomotor (2011) in: ‘Nanotechnology - Fundamentals and Applications of Functional Nanostructures’ (Eds. Th. Schimmel, H.v. Löhneysen, M. Barczewski), pp. 47-64, Baden-Württemberg Stiftung gGmbH, Research Series No. 56, ISSN 1610-4269, ISBN 978-3-00-030810-9. [PDF]

    21. K. Seyfert, T. Oosaka, H. Yaginuma, S. Ernst, H. Noji. R. Iino, M. Börsch, Subunit rotation in a single FoF1-ATP synthase in a living bacterium monitored by FRET (2011) Proc. SPIE 7905, 79050K. [preprint arxiv.org/abs/1102.2184 ]

    20. S. Ernst, B. Verhalen, S. Wilkens, M. Börsch, Drug transport mechanism of P-glycoprotein monitored by single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (2011) Proc. SPIE 7902, 79020M. [preprint arxiv.org/abs/1102.0113]

    19. T. Rendler, M. Renz, E. Hammann, S. Ernst, N. Zarrabi, M. Börsch, Monitoring single membrane protein dynamics in a liposome manipulated by the ABELtrap (2011) Proc. SPIE 7903, 790328. [preprint arxiv.org/abs/1102.0030]

    18. T. Meier, J. Faraldo-Gomez, M. Börsch, ATP synthase - a paradigmatic molecular machine (2012) in: ‘Molecular Machines in Biology’
    (Ed. Joachim Frank), pp. 208-238, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-19428-0.

    17.  M. Börsch, Targeting cytochrome C oxidase in mitochondria with Pt(II)-porphyrins for photodynamic therapy (2010) Proc. SPIE 7551, 75510G. [preprint  arxiv.org/abs/1002.1023]

    16.  S. Ernst, C. Batisse, N. Zarrabi, B. Böttcher, M. Börsch, Regulatory assembly of the vacuolar proton pump VOV1-ATPase in yeast cells by FLIM-FRET (2010) Proc. SPIE 7569, 75690W.

    15.  M. Börsch, Die ATP Synthase - der kleinste abgasfreie Bio-Nanomotor mit 100 Prozent Energieeffizienz (2009) in:‘Wechselwirkungen 2008’ - Jahrbuch der Universität Stuttgart.  [PDF]

    14.  M. Börsch, R. Reuter, G. Balasubramanian, R. Erdmann, F. Jelezko, J. Wrachtrup, Fluorescent nanodiamonds for FRET-based monitoring of a single biological nanomotor FoF1-ATP synthase (2009) Proc. SPIE 7183, 71832N.
    http://arxiv.org/abs/0902.0389v1 ]

    13.  N. Zarrabi, S. Ernst, M. G. Düser, A. Golovina-Leiker, W. Becker, R. Erdmann,  S. D. Dunn, M. Börsch, Simultaneous monitoring of the two coupled motors of a single FoF1-ATP synthase by three-color FRET using duty cycle-optimized triple-ALEX (2009) Proc. SPIE 7185, 718505.  [preprint http://arxiv.org/abs/0902.1292v1 ]

    12.  M. Börsch, J. Wrachtrup, The electromechanical coupling within a single molecular motor (2008) in: ‘Nanotechnology - Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Functional Nanostructures’ (Eds. Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg, Th. Schimmel, H.v. Löhneysen, Ch. Obermair, M. Barczewski), pp. 41-58, Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg, Reseach Series No. 32, ISSN 1610-4269, ISBN 978-3-00-024461-2.

    11.  N. Zarrabi, T. Heitkamp, J.-C. Greie, M. Börsch, Monitoring the conformational dynamics of a single potassium transporter by ALEX-FRET (2008) Proc. SPIE 6862, 68620M.
    http://arxiv.org/abs/0801.2059 ]

    10.  N. Zarrabi, M. G. Düser, S. Ernst, R. Reuter, S. D. Dunn, G. D. Glick, J. Wrachtrup, M. Börsch, Monitoring the rotary motors of single FoF1-ATP synthase by synchronized multi channel TCSPC (2007) Proc. SPIE 6771, 67710F.
    http://arxiv.org/abs/0708.3910v1 ]

    9.   N. Zarrabi, M. G. Düser, R. Reuter, S. D. Dunn, J. Wrachtrup, M. Börsch, Detecting substeps in the rotary motors of FoF1-ATP synthase by Hidden Markov Models (2007) Prog. Biomed. Optics Imag. - Proc. SPIE 6444, 64440E.
    http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0701214v1 ]

    8. M. Börsch, Monitoring proton-driven rotation within a single biolgical nanomotor FoF1-ATP synthase (2007) Tissue Engineering 13, 867.

    7.   M. Düser, Y. Bi , N. Zarrabi , B. Zimmermann, S.D. Dunn, M. Börsch, 3D-localization of the a-subunit in FoF1-ATP synthase by time resolved single-molecule FRET (2006) Proc. SPIE 6092, 60920H.

    6.   M. G. Düser, N. Zarrabi, Y. Bi, S. D. Dunn, M. Börsch, Proton-driven subunit rotation within a single ATP synthase
    (2006) in: ‘Proceedings of the VIII. Linz Winterworkshop - Advances in Single Molecule Research for Biology and Nanoscience’ (Eds. P. Hinterdorfer, G. Schütz, P. Pohl), pp. 13-18, Trauner Verlag Linz, ISBN 3-85499-163-0 (invited paper).

    5.   N. Zarrabi, B. Zimmermann, M. Diez, P. Gräber, J. Wrachtrup, M. Börsch, Asymmetry of rotational catalysis of single membrane-bound F0F1-ATP synthase (2005) Proc. SPIE 5699, 175-188.

    4.   M. Börsch, M. Diez, B. Zimmermann, M. Trost, S. Steigmiller, P. Gräber, Stepwise rotation of the g-subunit of EFoF1-ATP synthase during ATP synthesis: a single-molecule FRET approach (2003) Proc. SPIE 4962, 11-21.

    3.   M. Börsch, M. Diez, B. Zimmermann, R. Reuter, P. Gräber, Monitoring g-Subunit Movement in Reconstituted Single EFoF1 ATP Synthase by Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (2002) in: 'Fluorescence spectroscopy, Imaging and Probes. New Tools in Chemical, Physical and Life Sciences' (Eds. R. Kraayenhof, A.J.W.G. Visser, H.C.Gerritsen), pp. 197-207, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg (invited paper).

    2.   M. Börsch, M. Diez, P. Gräber, Conformational changes of H+ ATP synthase upon ATP hydrolysis detected by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (2000) Single Mol. 1, 180-181.

    1.   M. Börsch, P. Turina, C. Eggeling, J.R. Fries, C.A.M. Seidel, A. Labahn, P. Gräber, Change of diffusion coefficient of ECF1 upon nucleotide binding detected by single molecule fluorescence (1998) Ital. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 11, 47-50.


    Talks (selected)

  • GRC Bioenergetics, invited by Prof. W. Frasch (06/2019)
  • 118th Meeting of the German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry, Jena (05/2019)
  • SFB 1078, FU Berlin, invited by Prof. U. Alexiev (04/2019)
  • BIOS@SPIE Photonics West, 3x talks about GPCR NTSR1, San Francisco (02/2019)
  • 3rd ADFLIM, Saratov (Russia), invited by Prof. A. Savitsky (09/2018)
  • 20th European Bioenergetics Conference EBEC 2018, Budapest, invited by Prof. L. Tretter  (08/2018)
  • BIOS@‘Photonics West’ San Francisco (01/2018)
  • Colloquium Physical Chemistry, Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich, invited by Prof. D. Lamb (12/2017)
  • 2nd Advanced time-resolved imaging techniques FLIM-Prague 2017, BioCev, Vestec, invited by Dr. A. Benda (05/2017)
  • 16th FRET microscopy workshop, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, invited as faculty by Prof. A. Periasamy (03/2017)
  • BIOS@‘Photonics West’ San Francisco (01/2017)
  • 14th Advanced Imaging Methods Workshop, University of California Berkeley, invited by Becker&Hickl (01/2017)
  • SPIE ASIA Student Photonics Conference ASPC-2016, Manipal University (India), invited by Prof. S. Chidangil (12/2016)
  • LALS 2016, Shenzhen (China), invited by Prof. J. Qu (10/2016)
  • ADFLIM, Sochi-Dagomys (Russia), invited by Prof. A. Savitsky (10/2016)
  • 19th European Bioenergetics Conference EBEC 2016, Riva del Garda, invited by Prof. P. Bernardi (07/2016)
  • 15th FRET microscopy workshop, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, invited as faculty by Prof. A. Periasamy (03/2016)
  • BIOS@‘Photonics West’ San Francisco, MFoF1 and ABELtrapping, session chair (02/2016)
  • 13th Advanced Imaging Methods Workshop, University of California Berkeley, invited by Becker&Hickl (02/2016)
  • Gordon Research Conference ‘Molecular and Cellular Bioenergetics’, session chair, invited by Prof. K. Parra (06/2015)
  • 10th Workshop on Advanced Multiphoton and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Techniques, Saarbrücken, invited by Prof. K. König (06/2015)
  • ITBQ PhD program, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, invited by Prof. M. Pereira (03/2015)
  • BIOS@‘Photonics West’ San Francisco, 2 talks on single-molecule diffusion in E. coli and ABELtrapping, session chair (02/2015)
  • Binational Graduate School ‘Biological Membranes and Membrane Proteins’, Strasbourg University, invited by Prof. P. Hellwig (09/2014)
  • Max-Planck-Institute for Intelligent Systems Stuttgart and MaxSynBio network for Synthetic Biology, invited by Prof. J. Spatz (09/2014)
  • B-Cube TU Dresden, invited by Prof. S. Diez (07/2014)
  • 9th Workshop on Advanced Multiphoton and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Techniques, Saarbrücken, inv. by Prof. K. König (05/2014)
  • BIOS@‘Photonics West’ San Francisco, 4 talks on single-molecule FRET and ABELtrapping F1-ATPase (02/2014)
  • 11th Advanced Imaging Methods Workshop, University of California Berkeley, invited by Becker&Hickl (01/2014)
  • Graduate school  iGRASPseed, Universität Düsseldorf, invited by Prof. G. Groth (10/2013)
  • 9th European Biophysics Congress EBSA 2013, Lisbon, invited by Prof. M. Pereira (07/2013)
  • Gordon Research Conference ‘Molecular and Cellular Bioenergetics’, invited by Prof. U. Brandt (06/2013)
  • SINTEF (Oslo, Norway), invited by Dr. F. Männle (04/2013)
  • 3rd German-British Bioenergetics Conference, invited by Dr. T. Meier (04/2013)
  • 12th FRET microscopy workshop, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, invited as faculty by Prof. A. Periasamy (03/2013)
  • BIOS@‘Photonics West’ San Francisco, 3 talks on ABELtrap setup (02/2013)
  • 10th Advanced Imaging Methods Workshop, University of California Berkeley, invited by Becker&Hickl (01/2013)
  • B-Cube TU Dresden, invited by Prof. S. Diez (12/2012)
  • 6th Advanced Imaging Workshop, Bethesda, invited by Dr. S. Vogel (11/2012)
  • SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY, invited by Prof. T. Duncan (11/2012)
  • 17th European Bioenergetics Conference EBEC 2012, University of Freiburg, invited by Prof. T. Friedrich (09/2012)
  • Stanford University, single-molecule manipulation and trapping group, invited by Prof. W. E. Moerner (08/2012)
  • SFB 863 Technische Universität München, invited by Prof. T. Hugel (06/2012)
  • 7th Workshop on Advanced Multiphoton and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Techniques, Saarbrücken, inv. by Prof. K. König (06/2012)
  • 111th Meeting of the German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry, Progress Report Biophysical Chemistry, Leipzig (05/2012)
  • 11th FRET microscopy workshop, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, invited as faculty by Prof. A. Periasamy (03/2012)
  • BIOS@‘Photonics West’ San Francisco, 3 talks on single-molecule FRET at FoF1-ATP synthase in vitro and in vivo (01/2012)
  • 9th  Advanced Imaging Methods Workshop, University of California Berkeley, invited by Becker&Hickl (01/2012)
  • 5th Advanced Imaging Workshop, Bethesda, invited by Becker&Hickl (11/2011)
  • Institute for Physiology, Jena University Hospital, invited by Prof. K. Benndorf (09/2011)
  • Jena Biosciences (09/2011)
  • 6th Workshop on Advanced Multiphoton and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Techniques, Saarbrücken, invited by Prof. K. König (06/2011)
  • Symposium FRET at 65: A Celebration of Förster, University of Virginia, invited by Prof. A. Periasamy (03/2011)
  • BIOS@‘Photonics West’ San Francisco, 3 talks on single-molecule FRET with Pgp, FoF1-ATP synthase and ABELtrap (01/2011)
  • 8th  Advanced Imaging Methods Workshop, University of California Berkeley, invited by Becker&Hickl (01/2011)
  • Universität Frankfurt (11/2010)
  • Universität Kassel (11/2010)
  • 13th Carl Zeiss sponsored  FCS workshop, Singapore, invited by Prof. G. Grüber (10/2010)
  • 4th Advanced Imaging Workshop, Boston, invited by Becker&Hickl (10/2010)
  • ISIR, Osaka, invited by Profs. R. Iino and H. Noji (08/2010)
  • 5th Workshop on Advanced Multiphoton and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Techniques, Saarbrücken, inv. by Becker&Hickl (06/2010)
  • FASEB summer conference ‘Transport ATPases’, Snowmass, Colorado, invited by Prof. R. Rao (06/2010)
  • GBM ‘Biomembranes’, Schloß Rauischholzhausen, invited by Prof. R. Tampé (05/2010)
  • 4th  Advanced Optical Methods Workshop, University of Shenzhen, China, invited by Prof. J. Qu (05/2010)
  • Universität Jena (03/2010)
  • ‘Photonics West’ San Francisco, 3 talks on Photodynamics Therapy, single-molecule FRET and FLIM-anisotropy (01/2010),
  • 7th  Advanced Imaging Methods Workshop, University of California Berkeley, invited by Becker&Hickl (01/2010)
  • Department of Biochemistry, SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY, invited by Prof. S. Wilkens (10/2009)
  • 3rd Advanced Imaging Workshop, Boston, invited by Becker&Hickl (10/2009)
  • DPG summer school “Biointerfaces”, Bad Honnef, invited by Prof. J. Spatz (09/2009)
  • Biofrontiers Symposium, Morioka, Japan, invited by the Japanese Biochemistry Society (07/2009)
  • 4th Workshop on Advanced Multiphoton and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Techniques, Saarbrücken, inv. by Becker&Hickl (06/2009)
  • Meeting of the German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry, Köln, (05/2009)
  • Cranfield University, European Space Agency workshop, invited by Prof. D. Cullen (UK, 03/2009)
  • ‘Photonics West’, San Jose (USA, 01/2008) invited by Prof. Jörg Enderlein
  • 6th  Advanced Imaging Methods Workshop, University of California Berkeley, invited by Becker&Hickl (01/2009)
  • SFB 807 Universität Frankfurt, invited by Prof. R. Tampé (12/2008)
  • SFB 431 Universität Osnabrück, invited by Dr. J.-C. Greie (11/2008)
  • ICORP and Tokyo Institute of Technology, invited by Prof. M. Yoshida and Prof. T. Hisabori, Tokyo, Japan (09/2008)
  • 4th Handai Nano Symposium, invited by Prof. H. Noji, Osaka, Japan (09/2008)
  • 2nd Advanced Imaging Workshop, Boston, invited by Becker&Hickl (09/2008)
  • EBEC 2008, Dublin, Irland (07/2008)
  • Meeting of the German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry [talk presented by Monika Düser] Saarbrücken (05/2008)
  • MPI for Polymer Research Mainz, invited by Dr. Renate Naumann (04/2008)
  • MRC Cambridge, invited by Prof. Sir J. Walker (UK, 03/2008)
  • Biophysical Society 52nd Annual Meeting, Long Beach, USA, Symposium ‘Mechanisms of ion pumps by time-resolved measurements’, invited by Dr. R. Naumann and the Bioenergetics subgroup (02/2008) , and Symposium ‘Mechanoenzymes’, invited by the Program Co-chairs and Prof. S. Gilbert (02/2008)
  • ‘Photonics West’ San Jose (USA, 01/2008)
  • 5th  Advanced Imaging Methods Workshop, University of California Berkeley, invited by Becker&Hickl (01/2008)
  • 2nd  Advanced Optical Imaging Workshop, University of Melbourne, invited by Becker&Hickl (11/2007)
  • 1st Advanced TCSPC workshop [ talk presented by Nawid Zarrabi ] Boston, invited by Becker&Hickl (09/2007)
  • Department of Physics, Universität Lübeck, invited by Prof. C. Hübner (05/2007)
  • AK ‘Biological Physics’, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft Spring Meeting 2007, Regensburg (03/2007)
  • EMBL Heidelberg, invited by PD Dr. Bettina Böttcher (03/2007)
  • The ‘Single-molecule biophysics’ winter workshop 2007, Aspen Center of Physics, organized by Prof20. S. Block (02/2007)
  • ‘Photonics West’ San Jose (USA, 01/2007), invited by Prof. Jörg Enderlein
  • Department of Microbiology, ETH Zürich, invited by Prof P. Dimroth (11/2006)
  • 2nd International Congress on Bio-Nano-Interface and BIOSTAR 2006, Stuttgart, invited by Prof H. Brunner (10/2006)
  • SwissLightSource @ Paul Scherrer Institute, Wettingen, Switzerland (09/2006)
  • School of Biological Sciences, Nanyang Tech. Univ., invited  by Prof. Gerhard Grüber and Carl Zeiss S.E. Asia, Singapore (09/2006)
  • Meeting of the German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry, Erlangen (05/2006)
  • Department of Biochemistry, SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY, invited by Prof. Rich Cross (02/2006)
  • 8th Annual Linz Winter Workshop ‘Single Molecule techniques in Biophysics’ Linz,.  invited by Dr. Gerhard Schütz (02/2006)
  • ‘Photonics West’ San Jose (USA, 01/2006), invited by PD Jörg Enderlein
  • 1st workshop ‘single-molecule fluorescence lifetime measurements’, NSF Center for Biophotonics UC Davis, Sacramento (01/2006)
  • 87th Bunsen Discussion Meeting ‘Mechanically Induced Chemistry, Tutzing, (10/2005)
  • FASEB summer school (USA, 07/2005), invited by Prof. Alan Senior
  • Meeting of the German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry, Frankfurt (05/2005)
  • Joint Meeting of the German and the Swiss Biophysical Society, Hünfeld (05/2005)
  • 1st Joint German / British Bioenergetics Conference, Naurod (Wiesbaden, 03/2005)
  • 7th Annual Linz Winter Workshop ‘Single Molecule techniques in Biophysics’, Linz (02/2005)
  • SPIE ‘Photonics West’ San Jose (USA, 01/2005), invited by PD Jörg Enderlein
  • 10th International Workshop on 'Single Molecule Detection and Ultrasensitive Analysis in Life Sciences', Berlin (09/2004)
  • Gordon Research Conference ‘Molecular & Cellular Bioenergetics’ 2004, invited by Prof Gary Cecchini (06/2004)
  • Meeting of the German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry, Dresden (05/2004)
  • FB Biophysik, Universität des Saarlandes, Homburg, invited by PD Gerhard Grüber (05/2004)
  • MPI for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, invited by Prof. Helmut Grubmüller (05/2004)
  • Biochemistry department@University of Western Ontario, London (Canada), invited by Prof. Stan Dunn (02/2004)
  • 48th Annual meeting of the Biophysical Society, Baltimore (USA, 02/2004) platform: single molecule biophysics II
  • ‘Sonderforschungsbereich SFB 431’, Universität Osnabrück, invited by Dr. Jörg Greie and Prof. Wolfgang Junge (01/2004)
  • ‘Sonderforschungsbereich SFB 359’, Universität Heidelberg, invited by Dr. Dirk-Peter Herten and Prof. Markus Sauer (11/2003)
  • Symposium ‘Bioenergetics’, Universität Freiburg, invited by Prof. Gerd Kothe (10/2003)
  • Gordon Research Conference ‘Molecular & Cellular Bioenergetics’, short talk / poster description (USA, 2003)
  • Meeting of the German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry, Kiel (2003)
  • Biochemistry department@University of Western Ontario, London (Canada), invited by Prof. Stan Dunn (2003)
  • Beckman Institute@University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, invited by Profs. Klaus Schulten and Taekjip Ha (USA, 2003)
  • SPIE ‘Photonics West’ San Jose (USA, 2003)
  • 3rd International Symposium on 'Physics, chemistry and biology with single molecules', VW foundation, Tutzing (2002)
  • Annual meeting of the 'Deutsche Biophysikalische Gesellschaft', Dresden (2002)
  • WEH Seminar 282 'Single Molecule Dynamics', Bad Honnef (2002)
  • 8th International Workshop on 'Single Molecule Detection and Ultrasensitive Analysis in Life Sciences', Berlin (2002)
  • at G.L.I. Global Light Industries GmbH, Kamp-Lintfort (2001)
  • Seminar 'Introduction to single-molecule spectroscopy', Institut für Physikalische Chemie, Universität Freiburg (2000).

       Posters (selection):

    '12th European Bioenergetics Conference' EBEC, Arcachon 2002: first presentation of subunit rotation in FoF1-ATP synthase during
    ATP synthesis monitored by the single-molecule FRET approach
    '7th Conference on Methods and Applications of Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Imaging and Probes' Amsterdam 2001
    Jan Slavik Poster Prize): first presentation of the single-molecule FRET approach to monitor rotation in FoF1-ATP synthase


overview    ATP